Creation Care

I don’t talk about religion much in these blogs but my faith motivates me. I am a Christian who thinks fighting climate change is the most important issue of our age. A bunch of other folks in my denomination (United Methodist) feel the same. Our churches have Creation Care committees where members can involve themselves in local efforts to ameliorate climate change. In my church we have cut down our waste stream by using real plates and silver ware for many church dinners. The food scraps go to hogs or chickens. Several church members compost with me. I’m always finding garbage by my tire when I come out of church. We also want to put solar panels on our fellowship hall and further reduce our carbon footprint.

Below is a link to an address by Rev. Elan Brown who is chairperson of our Creation Care Task Force. Click here to view it.

Creation Care Task Force for the Florida Conference

Creation Care Task Force for the Florida Conference

The above picture shows several of us at our annual Creation Care meeting at Leesburg. There were men present but they left early. Look around and find a similar group to pour your energies into because . . .

God is Green!

Sara Nussel